Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Merging Two Households

After months of prep work and clearing space and down-sizing, we finally moved Kat in yesterday. My livingroom looks like this:

And her new room upstairs looked like this with just the furniture:

Kat's already arranged everything to how she wants it, and there's just enough room to fit 99% of her furniture (we could fit it all up there, but she decided against putting her kitchen table and chairs in the room):

There's a ton of more work to be done (mainly, unpacking and rearranging the small stuff) but she's home.


nightsmusic said...

First, I'm glad she's home! Second, while there's a lot in it, I love your living room! Third, been there, done that, still have boxes and furniture that's not mine, in the basement waiting for them to 'buy a house instead of renting' which could be...oh...who knows?

Maria Zannini said...

Congrats! It looks quite livable. She's lucky she can stay at your place. I'm sure it gives her a sense of security until all this blows over.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...