My adopted daughter stopped by yesterday to visit and give me a lovely present which included this mug:
Yep, that's pretty much what it's like. :) On the quilting front, I took that big rectangle of recycled strips and shreds and with some scrap ribbon for the handles and scrap muslin for the lining made it into a tote:
I wasn't planning to wash it, but then I thought, this would be a true test, as I used the tiniest strips and shreds for this piece. So I threw it in the washer and dryer, and here's how it came out:
A bit fluffy, and it needs pressing, but I'm surprised -- it held together pretty well, with only a few popped bits I can stitch back down. Still, not a technique I'd recommend for anything you're going to wash regularly -- I think even with dense top stitching the piece will simply disintegrate over time.