I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but my daughter is writing her first novel. She's been working on it for about a year now, and has 40K finished. It sounds a bit like an epic fantasy when she talks about it (which isn't very often) and I'm trying not be nosy. When I was her age I wouldn't show anyone what I was writing, and I still remember the horrible nerves I got the first time I sent a manuscript to someone more famous to read (StarDoc, as it happens.)
If/when she wants me to read the book, I then have to decide if I should. I'd love to, of course, but I may not be the right person to do that. It might be better for her to get feedback from someone who didn't give birth to her. I love her and I want to encourage her, but I'm also Mom.
And to top that, it is her first novel, so maybe getting a review from another mentor might soften the blow a little. We all tend to be a little too attached to our first novel.