Amazon's Overall Bestseller List: Why do I check this when it never has anything listed that I'm even marginally tempted to read?
Everything About that Pesky Impeachment: Skip that. Skip that, too. Skip everything. Skip to my Lou my darling (sorry, I hate politics.)
Harry and Megan Ditch the Royal Family Gig: Good. Paparazzi basically murdered his mother, and have been harassing his wife since they were dating. I hope they stay in Canada with the baby.
Kardashian Chick Posts Mostly Nude Selfie Pics on the Internet: Yawn. It must be Friday.
Moderating PBW Comments, Still: After a year and a half I thought the scammers would get tired of trying to leave comments pushing their crap on the old blog, but nope. Still have to delete a good half-dozen every day.
Quilting Show and Tell Online: I kind of stumbled over this Show and Tell web site where makers post images and stories about their work. It's evidently run by the people at Missouri Star Quilt Co. (Jenny Doan's company) and has 900+ pages worth to look through, so I'll probably go back and admire in my spare time.
RWA Cancelling the RITAs Due to Membership Bailing: There are people who actually still care about the RITAs, which were always fixed anyway?
Starting a War with Iran: Well, it won't make that pesky impeachment go away. It will kill a lot of people on both sides, and solve nothing. Stop killing and start talking to each other.
This Pic at Pixabay: Gorgeous. Must save for The Inheritance!
and finally:
What I Listen To After Reading All This Stuff on the Internet: Today, this. This composer is my wind-down go-to guy. Nothing earth-shaking, but all of his stuff is very calming.
What did you find on the internet to think about today? Let me know in comments.