The weather is already starting to deteriorate here, so I'm going to post this in the event our lousy broadband takes a dive tomorrow. Dorian is due to arrive either Monday or Tuesday, depending on a lot of factors. It could skirt the coast, or it could roar across the state. We're in the cross hairs of almost all of the spaghetti models. As of tonight they're telling us to expect it to be a Category Two if/when it reaches us, and it may last for two or three days. Not a great situation.
Our power, phones and internet will probably go out as soon as hurricane winds arrive. If all these grim predictions come true we'll probably be out of communication with the rest of the world for at least a week or longer. Back in 2004 we went 21 days without power or water, and the roads remained blocked for almost two weeks. So that's the bad side of this kind of storm.
On the good side, we are fully prepared and stocked up, and we know what to do. Our house has survived dozens of these storms. This is not our first rodeo. :)
I hope when I'm able to post again I'll have pictures of my grandson to share. In the meantime, please keep us in your thoughts.