There's still ample time and opportunity for Hurricane Dorian to change course, but if the storm stays on this latest projected track then we're in for it. We're just a blip north of where it's expected to be at 2 am on Tuesday in the NOAA graphic below.
As we're experienced hurricane survivors we're taking no chances. Yesterday we filled up the propane tanks for our grill and the gas containers for the generator. I have two weeks' supply of water and nonperishable food in the pantry. This house has weathered a half-dozen hurricanes, including Irma when she roared right past us as a Cat 2 storm. Earlier this summer we had three trees at risk for collapsing on the house removed -- a tough decision for us -- but now I'm very grateful we did it.
As for the timing, well, there you have my perpetually lousy luck. My grandson's due date is next Tuesday, the same day Dorian may arrive. His mom and dad will likely be staying with us through the storm. Send good thoughts our way!