I've been having a lot of problems with Tumblr, and now they've been sold again I expect there will be more. I've never had these issues with Blogger, so over the next couple months I'm going to move all my content from there to here before I delete my blog.
This version of Valerean will just be for online friends, and I'm going to try to keep it private without making it members-only. So (if you don't mind) please don't link to it or pass around the URL.
Yesterday I got my mom's birthday quilt batted, backed and pinned and started hand quilting it. I went with a white-on-white tonal fabric for the backing, and I'm quilting it with plain white thread. I'll use the extra yard of colorful fabric Jen sent me to make the binding.
And I'm glad you're back on blogger. The only reason I signed up for a tumblr account was so I could follow you. I've never really cared for their format so this move is a good thing ;)
Welcome back! :D
I'm very glad to be done with Tumblr, and sorry for putting you through that. I thought it would be a nice change, but it ended up being the opposite.