This is that lot of yarn I thrifted for $7.99 locally. I was particularly interested in the variegated yarns, which I can work up into pretty baskets.
I needed to exercise my fingers, so I went right to work on the basket I wanted to make. That was a good thing, because I had to deal with some family drama that was completely unnecessary and made me very angry. That's also why my one-week project only took two days.
There wasn't enough of the variegated yarn to make the entire project, so I finished it off with a coordinating white top.
I used six skeins of thrifted yarn to make the basket, but more importantly, by crocheting I was able to channel my anger in a positive, non-harmful way. I'm still angry, but my emotions are finally settling down. I also have more flexible fingers now as well, so it was a win all the way around for me.
For good or bad, I don't get angry near often enough. LOL.