When I saw a thrift auction listing for 19 jewelry-making kits that had only two unclear pile photos I imagined there wouldn't be any takers. From what I could see one of the kits had been sold by Mary Maxim for $12.99, which convinced me to bid on it. Although Mary Maxim doesn't have a jewelry kit of the month club, their other clubs at present are not cheap.
Although I only wear bracelets and earrings I like jewelry kits; they can be a lot of fun. One other bidder took a shot at it, but I ended up winning the lot.
The lot dates back to about 2017, and has some really nice kits. This is the one I saw with the Mary Maxim tag.
Two $19.99 kits, and one for $9.99.
Most are Cousin DIY Jewelry Kit of the Month collections, like these two (the only duplicates in the lot.) I checked their web site, and they don't sell them anymore, but they're a pretty well-known company that have been around at least as long as I have. I'd say these retailed for $10 to $15 per kit.
All the kits are complete, too. They're mostly pieces that an older woman would wear, too.
I put together this set from the $9.99 kit in about fifteen minutes. Other kits will take more time, but it will be good fine motor practice for my hands. Since all the findings and beads are intact and in mint condition, I'd price these for resale at $7.00 per kit, or $133.00 for everything. I paid $22.00 for the lot, or $1.16 per kit. Savings: $111.00.