Just out of curiosity I made a list of the asian dramas I've rewatched the most times, and #1 on the List is Happiness, the drama I chose as the best of 2021. This is a pandemic-zombie thriller that has a wonderful little romance and lots of great characters, tons of suspense and an utterly satisfying ending. To date my favorite drama of all time, too. It also has plenty of violence and a fair amount of gore, so not for the timid.
The King: Eternal Monarch takes the number two spot. This time-travel/parallel world fantasy series is wildly romantic, interesting, intricately plotted and ultimately satisfying. Truthfully if I could rewrite the ending for this one to be more definite, I would. There's also a bit too much product placement. That said, all of the actors really did a great job, so you'll forgive the flaws (I just realized I've never written this one up for the blog; sorry about that.)
The last drama on my list, a mythological thriller with an exciting story, takes third because despite five or six tries I've only ever been able to watch half of it before life dragged me away, and I'm currently rewatching it to try and finish seeing all the whole thing. Still, just the first half of Tale of the Nine-Tailed was so good I had to add it. I'll write up more details once I manage to watch the entire thing.
Happiness is available on Viki.com, and The King: Eternal Monarch and Tale of the Nine-Tailed are both available on Netflix.
Honorable mention: Doom at Your Service. This dark romance drama has a nice touch of delightful comedy, great acting and surprising twists and turns. I've rewatched it a couple times because it's always charmed me, and I think it helps me appreciate my life a little more. Available on both Viki.com and Netflix.