The other day I had to have a business e-mail conversation with someone who managed to stick references to God or Christmas in every other sentence they wrote. In that person's honor, here are:
Ten Things I Don't Want to Hear About During the Holidays
Advent Calendars: I'm not sure who started this but it wasn't my childhood religion. Also, I don't see how eating a piece of candy once a day for 25 days is going to make the holidays more palatable or do anything but raise my blood sugar.
Charity Pressure: Sure, maybe I am a complete ass for not donating money to some worthy cause in someone's name versus my usual gifts. Only most of those worthy causes usually spend up to half of their donations advertising for more donations (by the way, I always do something genuinely charitable during the holidays, usually in cash to a cause that doesn't advertise. I also make food donations for the hungry.)
Christmas Reads: I have to endure the holidays; I don't want to read about someone having a much better time than me during them. Also Christmas romances tend to really suck, if you haven't noticed.
Christmas Music: I can't hear it properly anymore, but I didn't like it even when my ears worked.
Gift Recs: Unsolicited personal suggestions by strangers of what to buy people for Christmas are seriously aggravating me. I make most of my gifts, okay? And if I want good gift recs I'll go over to Maria's blog because she never lies about the quality of stuff, thank you. Maria, I love you. I just had to say it again. You saved my sanity this year.
Happy Birthday Jesus: I don't mind people who want to remember the reason for the season. Using that solely as an excuse to avoid buying gifts for their loved ones doesn't strike me as something Jesus would want for his birthday, though.
How Many Days Are Left Until: Please don't remind me of how much longer I have to suffer.
Merry Christmas versus Happy Holidays: This annual argument over what to say to others seriously annoys me. Who cares? If you can't respond in kind, just be nice and say thank you to whatever pleasant thing someone wishes you, and be happy they aren't shooting you with an assault rifle, for God's sake.
Politics: At Christmas, really? Really? Go to your room and stay there until New Years Day.
You Better Watch Out: Send Santa to me if he comes to town. He and I need to chat.
We stopped buying Christmas gifts long ago, but we still give gifts all year long if we see something we know someone would like. For me, Christmas is more of a time for reflection.
PS I don't know what you got Edward, but the goal was to choose quality gifts under $25 and I hope that fit the bill.