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Christmas at the Beach

Although this was our very first Christmas alone as empty nesters, we decided not to spend it moping around the house. Instead we went to the beach.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the temperature hovered around 72F with a light breeze blowing. Perfect weather. My guy and I both grew up by the beach; he was an avid surfer, too. I just love the beach. I would rather go to the beach than any other place on the planet, including Paris.

This guy was one of the few birds willing to pose for me. We brought our lunch with us, and had it while sitting on a bench by the boardwalk so we could watch the waves and the people.

We weren't the only non-traditionalists; families were everywhere building sandcastles with their kids. I know most of them were tourists staying at local hotels, but it was nice to see that.

We walked about two miles down the beach (I wish my legs were this long) before we headed back home. Beautiful day; beautiful way to spend my least favorite holiday. I feel a new tradition coming on now.


nightsmusic said…
See? This is a time to start something new! Our first Christmas alone again, we slept in, had a light breakfast, and pretty much just enjoyed the peace and quiet of not having to be anywhere and not having to entertain anyone. It was wonderful. Yesterday, we did pretty much the same thing except we had unusually warm weather at 38 degrees and it rained much of the day. I wish it had been snow. But we enjoyed the fire, had leftovers from Christmas eve for dinner, didn't do anything exciting and just enjoyed each other's company. It was nice.
Maria Zannini said…
We took the day off on Christmas, but it was back to work on the 26th. We're in the middle of a bathroom remodel that seems to be going on forever. We're also trying to figure out where a leak is coming from outside. I think we narrowed it down. We kept digging holes and shutting valves until we found one that kept leaking. Now we have to dig out the surrounding area and replace the faulty pipe.

I hope we can be done with both within the first week of the year. I know Greg would much rather be at the beach.

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