With the way my hands are now I thought it would be a good idea to start teaching myself machine quilting, so I invested in another estate sale lot of patchwork to use as practice pieces. This is a lap size scrappy top from that lot.
I had to turn this picture on its side to figure out that these blocks are bunnies. There's enough here to probably make a little crib quilt out of the material.
These star blocks remind me so much of the seventies. I sewed the same kind of calico when I was a kid.
I'll start small with the machine quilting, probably making some little blocks like these into coasters for my desk, and then work my way up to the lap quilt.
Eleanor Burns of Quilt In A Day has a lot of YouTube videos on her methods, etc, for piecing and machine quilting. They're from her old PBS series. I've done her methods several times. They're fast, fun and satisifying and she also has good tips and tricks and free patterns on her QuiltInADay.com site. Just passing that along.