Saturday, August 29, 2020


Rather than sketching (at which I'm terribly rusty) I decided to play with my photo-it program last night and make some log cabin blocks from the photos I've taken of the shibori fabrics. This is what a log cabin block would look like in the traditional arrangement of the fabric strips:

Once I had the block cobbled together I duplicated it and tried some different combinations (I like the four on the bottom left best):

I sliced off half of the solid fabric strips to make a diamond-shaped block, which looks like this in an arrangement of four:

It's pretty (like flowers, I thought) but I'd have to fill in the square gaps the diagonal trimming creates:

I might go with a traditional log cabin if I can't devise something more interesting of my own design. Stay tuned to see some other ideas.

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

I like the way it looks like the colors are disappearing. That's cool! But I admit to liking variation #1 best. You could always quilt it onto some white material which I think would look nice. Maybe a white on white pattern. And leave the edges of the log squares raw...just a suggestion.

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