As we're plodding along toward the end of April I thought I'd take a shot of my progress on the March block of my silk crazy quilt project. I've managed to do a little more stitching on the center patch, but I'm not forcing myself to work on it. I don't want to sew or quilt at all, which feels very weird, but it is what it is. Most nights I just write or journal.
Maybe I have two wells: one for writing, and the other for non-writing creative projects. I can always write, and that's also my go-to for when I feel stressed. I've knocked out a lot of work since the pandemic started, and nearly filled up the sojourn journal. But to do other things I draw inspiration from life, I guess, and life has been pretty grim. Or maybe I'm focusing on the wrong things. Maybe in some way we all are.
Anyway. I'm going to make an effort to look through some quilting books and mags for inspiration, and hopefully get back to the project in the days to come.
My house has never been cleaner though...