Today I finished Anthill by E.O. Wilson, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of twenty books, and a professor at Harvard. If you're a fan of novels about Southerners, nature, and the clash between the two, this is the read for you. Unless you're a woman, did not have the benefit of higher education, and/or expect very intelligent writers to write with empathy and clear insight into a variety of human beings. Then, my friend, you are SOL. This is a coming of age novel about a naturalist, probably based mostly on the author's own life, and a patch of wilderness he becomes determined to protect. The writing is as expected from a Harvard professor: very smart, but approachable. The chapters about the disputed property and what goes on there are stellar and would fit into any nonfiction book about conservation, its importance, and why we all need to preserve unique pockets of nature. I lived for those chapters. Now we get to the rest of the story. As my grandmother would say...