A few weeks ago we ran into one of Kat's old friends at the market whom we haven't seen for a couple of years, which led to me inviting him over for a dinner of his choice and to meet our new pups (we're all vaccinated and healthy, so I felt comfortable doing that.) I made his favorite meatball stroganoff, and sent him home with some puff pastry apple turnovers for dessert.
Although I'm very fond of this young man and was really glad to see him again, the whole evening felt a little awkward for me. I couldn't get used to him being in the house, and although dinner turned out fine I was worried about that, too. Then I realized why I felt that way. It's been almost two years since anyone but Kat has been in our home or had dinner with us. I've also only been cooking for two since last May when Kat left home.
I wonder if everyone feels like this when they break self-isolation. Anyway, in the end I felt better about it. It's nice to see old friends, and when things are better/safer I hope we can get back to having guests regularly for dinner again.
There was a bit of a scare because one of my neighbors had covid without realizing it, but to my knowledge no one he came in contact with got sick.
You do get out of practice being sociable.