One of the things I've changed with my daily process is to keep a blank book on my desk to use as a work diary, diet record and idea keeper. I started doing this at the beginning of the year, mainly to practice my handwriting and to track my daily calorie intake. Over the last two months that's evolved into a self-motivation tool and kind of a bullet journal with short lists of things I want to write, concepts, character names etc. It's definitely helped me focus more during my writing sessions. I've been very easy to distract from work since the pandemic began and the post-election meltdown, and it's been unbelievably difficult to concentrate. I've tried different things, but going back to daily handwritten journaling has helped the most. Off topic, I finally had to shut down comments over on PBW after SPAMmers started flooding them -- apparrently Google isn't sending me comment moderation notices anymore, and I waste too much time manually deleting...