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Showing posts from July, 2019

On to Twelve

Finished block eleven of the recycled linen quilt, started block twelve.


Working on block eleven of the recycled linen quilt.

Mirror Lake

Went for a drive and a hike yesterday with my guy. Nature threw some storms at us, but wrapped up the day with a gorgeous reflecting rainbow.

Ten Down

Finished block ten of the recycled linen quilt.

Slow Stitch

Working on block ten of the recycled linen quilt, using some vintage crochet pieces and some old MOP buttons. This project has no plan; it’s just slow stitching whatever comes to mind.

Topper Done

Ended up a table topper for Halloween.

Time to Finish

Next up: since my hands are feeling better, I think it’s time I finished the recycled linen art quilt.

This and That

Finished the patchwork tote (pics #1-2) and decided to make a Halloween project (pics #3-5) from some scrappy blocks. Pieced and started quilting that. I think it’s going to be a table topper, but it might morph into something else.

Tote II

Working on another tote by quilting and embroidering an orphan block panel. Patchwork by KnJ Studio.


Circa 1921 movie theater we spotted yesterday while on a day road trip. Gorgeous building. The horned guy and the caduceus are an interesting combination.


Pic #1: Finished all the quilting and beading on the mystery project. Pic #2: I really liked the effect of the stitching on the middle panel. So I sewed it together tonight with lining fabric and it turned into … Pic #3: … A baby shower gift tote. Pic #4: Other side of the tote. Pic #5. I also used some fabric leftover from the baby quilt to line it. I am now putting AWAY the beads.

The Wave

Pic #1: A gift from a dear friend arrived today; this is the fabric from a quilt kit with a wave center panel. I absolutely love it. Pic #2: What the quilt should look like when I make it. Pic #3: Tried a different beading needle on the mystery project, and got a lot more done. I think I’ll stick with this needle so it won’t take 486 years to finish.

New Babies

Pic #1: My daughter sent me this pic of her new pet rats. Both are baby boys, and I think from the ears they’re dumbo rats. While they’ll be mostly living with her at university I should get to babysit them now and then. Pic #2-3: Got a bit of lace work and beading done on the other side of the mystery project.

Done & Not Done

Pic #1: Finished the seed beading above the vintage hexies at last! Pic #2: A lot of work double-stitching all those tiny beads, but I think it came out pretty, and I’m done! Pic #3: Only I’m not done. Starting the other side of the mystery project. See you in 486 years.

Still Beading

Still beading the mystery project. This is supposed to be my therapy. When it’s finished I’ll probably need therapy. Seriously, this kind of work helps me practice my fine motor skills, so no matter how much I grumble it is good for me. I’ve also been trying to journal a few pages every day to improve my hand writing, which has gotten a little wonky lately.