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Showing posts from 2016

Iced Grass

Frosty this morning. The grass crunched like broken glass when I walked the dogs.

Simply Do

"Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things." --Ray Bradbury


Morning, Sunshine.




Cold, but I'm still here.

Safe Journey

keyframedaily: Alan Rickman, 1946 - 2016. Will never forget that voice, those eyes.


RIP, David Bowie.


Sunset at the lake.

That Moment

Perfect timing, illustrated.


“For eight years I dreamed of fire.” – Vanessa Diffenbaugh, The Language of Flowers

For Storychaser

Name: Valerean Nickname: None that I’ll answer to. Gender: Female Height: 5′3 Sexual Orientation: They never sent me to one. Favorite color: Evergreen Time Right Now: 8:39 PM Average Hours of Sleep: 5-6 Last Thing I Googled: Antique pressed glass bottles. Number of blankets I sleep under: Zero Favorite fictional characters: Too many to name, but I’ll pick some from the favorite books category: Devon Howard, Elea and Paikan, Elizabeth Bennet, Claire Waverley, Maxine Kiss, Caliban Leandros, Trixa Iktomi, Luciano Favorite books: Mistress Devon, La Nuit des Temps, anything Jane Austen wrote, Garden Spells, The Iron Hunt, Nightlife, Trick of the Light, The Book of Unholy Mischief What I’m wearing right now: Blue scrubs Favorite Bands: None (hearing impaired.) Dream Job: Working it right now. Well, not right now, but when I get off Tumblr. When did you make your blog? Last week. What do you post about? So far, art, photography, the daughter, life stuff. Do you have any ot...


Southern snow.


First thing I’ve quilted in 2016: mini dedication piece for the inside cover of my January journal, with hand-dyed habotai silk, venise lace, stamped cotton patches, holographic sulky, and pearls.

I Fall Down, But I Get Up Again

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." --José N. Harris (via vintagebeautimus) Reblogged from: vintagebeautimus

Oh, No

I have to start bike riding. Isn’t there a note to get me out of this?


Wild life indeed.

Kat's 21st

HB, baby.

Art Pic

My Monet.


My morning: Write journal entry, check. Paint terrible watercolor, check. Gaze with longing at quilt kit catalog with stuff I can’t afford, check. Now all I have to do is dump a toxic friend, finish my revisions, start the next book and figure out what the hell to make for dinner.


The daughter loves pink. Me, not so much.


20 Genius Things to Make with Your Old Magazines


I also take photographs.

First Post

Since no one expects me to have a Tumblr blog, I should be able to write and post some art here for at least [a week? month? year oh please yes a whole year!] until they find me. I need some creative space where I can be someone other than that person we’re not going to talk about, ever. So if you recognize me, just pretend I’m not here.